Saturday, August 1, 2009

I always feel a little strange buying women's underwear. I feel like the clerk is looking at me like a freak. Clearly these unmentionables are not for me, they are not my size. I have the same feeling going through airport security, like I'm going to have to explain what all these panties are doing in my camera bag.... but then again, it should be pretty obvious.

What ever slight tinge of awkwardness there is when shopping in the promised land of Victoria's Secret is well worth it to get images like these. As a general rule, I always keep a bag of lingerie within arms reach of my camera. You never know when a client might want to shoot some implied nudes... or, perhaps, not so implied.

My job demands that I deliver print ready photographs straight out of the camera, but lately I've been taking my still shoots to a new level, applying some of the tricks I've learned from my visual FX work in feature film.

Unlike those photographers who spend hours in photoshop to get a decent image, the girl here is un-retouched... but the image, shot on green screen, is heavily composited in After FX. The background, flare, and graphics are all computer generated.

For me, it's no longer about just taking great pictures, it's about creating great images - using all the tools available. A half naked model doesn't hurt either. Enjoy!